Where to learn java for free
Where to learn java for free


Let us say a service provider like Uber, will have many such drivers.


A pencil is an object, a car, plant, animal, and even a Driver is an object.Ĭontinuing our driver example, let us say, the following attributes identify driver – driverName, joiningDate, isRegular, dateOfBirth, and avgCustomerRating. Still, for this article, all you need to know is that in OOPS, everything is considered as an object. If you want to get into details of OOPS concepts, go through with the above-given video, which I have embedded in this article previously. Java Programming for Complete Beginners Object-oriented programming For example, get grades(float marks) that return a char, isRegular(String driverName) that returns a boolean, and so on. It is modular and reusable.įunction names in Java start with the small case, with the following words having the first letter as capital. The system, when divided into smaller functions, looks neat and is easy to understand. For example, applying the grade can be a function based on the marks. Such blocks of the system are called as functions.


FunctionsĪ lot of code that we write can be segregated into blocks of code so that many parts of the application can reuse it. Note that & means both the expressions have to be true for the if to be successful. It is usually combined with else if and else statements that can handle multiple situations. Just like we saw above, the ‘if’ is a condition that tests for something to be accurate and returns results accordingly. If we compare two strings, for example, if(driverName = “Chand”), we use the comparison operator ‘=’ which is different from the assignment operator ‘=.’ Same way, there are, >= and so on. The result of expression inside of the condition can be a boolean only. So, what do we do with the data? We perform some operations on it! Operationsįor example, based on whether the driver is regular or not, we can give him some incentives or, based on the amount of petrol he fills, we can know how many kilometers he drives. For example, int has Integer boolean has Boolean, and so on. The data types char, int, float, boolean and double are called primitive types, and Java has corresponding objects for each of these. The limit of using a variable is defined by its scope, which can be local, static, or global. The advantage of storing data in variables is that we can use the variable anywhere in the code. Same way, since a boolean data type returns true or false, it is a good practice to name the variables starting with is, are, has, etc.… etc…) like the above and methods should start with a small case, and the following word begins with a capital letter – driver Name. One of the best practices in Java is to follow the right naming conventions. Java handles a lot of data types – String driverName Same way, the price of petrol that he puts in your vehicle is a floating-point (decimal). For example, the telephone number of your car driver is an integer, but his name is a string (array of characters). On a day to day basis, we come across different types of data.

where to learn java for free where to learn java for free

Now that we have a positive mindset and zing to learn let us look at all the concepts we need to learn to write efficient code in Java – Variables and data types

  • Read this article and follow the approach of starting with a simple program and then adding functionality over it to make it more complicated and interactive.
  • So, focus on the core functionality but know the syntax well too.
  • The IDE takes care of all your syntax errors.
  • If you are stuck, the Java community is significant and active and will help you.
  • There are plenty of resources available to learn Java.
  • It is possible to build full-fledged web applications using Java and J2EE. For example, if you want to buy groceries from Big Basket, what is the checkout process? Same way, how would you do it? If you think of a design/flow, you will surely find a way to implement it and get results.
  • Think about a real-world scenario and list down how you would implement it.
  • If you are a non-programmer, have some extra patience – you will undoubtedly get there.
  • where to learn java for free

    Never start with the mindset of “How hard is it to learn Java.” Still think it must be secure, that is why so many people are doing it.Okay, before we get into the core concepts, here are a few things you should remember always –

    Where to learn java for free